Hei J'fani scuze ca nu am mai postat de mult timp pe blog dar eram in cautare de noi stiluri de muzica pentru a'mi lărgii orizontulu.Desigur in dată ce voi avea una voi uni cu acesta un al doilea blog să vedeti si voi ce imi place mie.
Astăzi vom vorbi despre trupa The Gazette
Ruki*Are o voce bună,tonalitatea ei este bună,chiar foarte bună.Stie să îsi transmită sentimentele prin muzica si asta nu e ceva ce toată lumea.ascultat'o.Prin intermediul melodiilor lor am ajuns eu J'fan.
Aoi*Este un chitarist foarte foarte bun.Se vede bine prin puterea mâinii sale că exerseaza mult in fiecare zi.Este nu numai talentat ci si foarte drăguţ
Uruha*La fel ca si Aoi,Uruha este si el extrem de talentat.Cu aspectul său bine lucrat,Uru,a ajuns prin topurile miilor de J'fane.
Reita*Reita,după părerea mea,este cel mai original J'rocker din trupă.Bandana de pe nas este un lucru ce îl caracterizeaza pe Rei'san.Reita este unic în stilul său deoarece se înbracă cel mai diferit dintre ei.
Kai*Tobosarul trupei,este foarte talentat.Ritmul său nebun dă întotdeauna tonul unei melodii The Gazette.Talentul său nebun îl defineste,doar auyint câteva bătăi si pot să îmi dau seama că este Kai.
Acum câte ceva despre ei
RUKI (ルキ)
Updated: March 2006
Real name: Matsumoto Takanori (松本たかのり)
Blood type: B
Birth date: 1st Feb 1982
Piercing count: 5
Piercing gauge: 4 on 5 *
Height: 162 cm
Foot size: 25.5 cm
Ring size: Middle finger; 17
Place of birth: Kanagawa prefecture (Kantou; east Japan)
Cologne: Bvlgari
Favourite colour: Gold
Favourite drink: 子岩井リンゴ*
Disliked food: Green pepper, beans
Hobby: Rental shopping
Favourite brand: RUDE GALLERY, Harugin (Ruki endorses Harugin)
My boom (current craze): Skateboarding
Collection: Harugin
Liked type: A self-aware person; a wonderful person
Disliked type: An impure girl; a stupid person
Wish to girls: Don’t lose sight of yourself
Strong point: Genuine side
Weak point: Genuine side
Charming point: Temple
Favourite animal: Dog (chihuahua), Cat
Message: "Let’s start from the bottom."
Previous Bands: Mikoto, Ma’die Kusse, Kar+te=zyAnose
[[Random Facts]]
+loves to rent and buy movies
+used to smoke Marlboro Mental Light and Salem Pianissimo before he quit
+wanted to be a fireman as a kid
+loves spaghetti, hates strawberries and peppers
+collects hats, patterned shirts and colored/weird sunglasses
+used to work in a restaurant called the Royal Host and in another one called Denny’s
+favorite season: winter (gives him inspiration)
+PJs: football-outfit
+eyesight is 0.01
+shoesize 25.5 cm/10.03 inches
Updated: March 2006
Real name: Takashima Kouyou (高島 宏陽)*
Blood type: O
Birth date: 9th June 1981
Piercing count: 5 (left), 4 (right)
Height: 177 cm
Foot size: 27.5 cm
Ring size: 19
Place of birth: Shounan district (Kanagawa prefecture; Kantou; east Japan)
Collection: Western liqour, liquer, wine
Tobacco: PIANISSIMO one
Cologne: Bvlgari
Favourite colour: Black, White, Red
Favourite drink: MOET & CHANDON
Disliked food: Blue cheese
Hobby: Soccer, Bowling, Billiard
Favourite brand: alfredoBANNISTER
My boom: Darts
Liked type: A big-hearted person
Disliked type: Someone with a bad personality
Wish to girls: Don’t forget your smile!
Strong point: “my pace”
Weak point: “my pace”
Charming point: Hands
Favourite animal: Shiba inu (dog)
Message: “Whatever happens, don’t give up on your dream! Be strong that no one can control you!”
Previous bands: Karasu, Ma’die Kusse, Kar+te=zyAnose
[[Random Facts]]
+loves to play football and billiard and to bowl
+loves to challenge people on his Gameboy Advanced
+wanted to be a football player as a kid
+hates olives
+good at cooking Taco rice
+PJs: t-shirt and boxers
+used to work in a vegetable shop
+favorite season: spring (because it’s warm)
+collects rings, perfume and accessories
+eyesight for right eye is 0.3, for left eye 0.7
+shoesize: 27.5cm/10,82 inches
AOI (葵)
Updated: March 2006
Real name: Shiroyama Yuu (城山優)*
Blood type: A
Birth date: 20th Jan 1979
Piercing count: 1 (mouth), 1 (left), 3 (right), 1 (navel)
Height: 171 cm
Foot size: 26.5 cm
Ring size: 19 ~ 23
Place of birth: Mie prefecture (Kansai, near Osaka)
Collection: Sunglasses
Tobacco: Malboro Menthol
Cologne: Bvlgari *
My boom: Polishing the guitar
Favourite drink: SUPER DRY - Coffee
Disliked food: none
Liked type: A kind person who can cook well
Disliked type: A person who gets angry easily
Hobby: Smoking, Marumen
Favourite brand: Bvlgari, Vivienne Westwood, DOLCE & GABANNA, Armani
Wish to girls: ???
Strong point: none
Weak point: Bad sleeping & waking habits
Charming point: Whole body
Favourite colour: White, Black, etc.
Favourite animal: Cat, etc.
Message: "Love & peace!!"
Previous Bands: Mervilles - Artia
[[Random Facts]]
+loves to eat things which are made with love
+doesn’t dislike any food
+great at boiling rice
+likes to drink Asahi Super Dry
+doesn’t have a fridge
+wanted to be a bike racer as a kid
+collects sunglasses, cologne, accessories and clothes
+used to work in a wedding hall and at a convenience store
+favorite season: winter
+PJs: t-shirt and jersey pants
+shosize: 26cm/10.23 inches
REITA (れいた)
Updated: March 2006
Real name: Suzuki Akira (鈴木亮)*
Blood type: A
Birth date: 27 May 1981
Piercing count: 1 (right), 1 (left)
Hobby: Movies
Foot size: 26
Ring size: “Around 17, I guess?”
Height: 171 cm
Place of birth: Kanagawa prefecture (Kantou; east Japan)
Tobacco: Mild Seven Lights
Cologne: “Don’t really use the stuff.”
Favourite drink: Lifeguard
Disliked food: Vegetables, Sweet things
Collection: DVDs, stuff from Lock *
My boom: Collecting SEX PISTOLS goods, collecting accessories
Liked type: A feminine, mature-thinking person
Disliked type: A vulgar person
Wish to girls: You girls following me or not?
Strong point: Myself
Weak point: Myself
Charming point: Butt
Favourite colour: Black, White
Favourite animal: Parakeet
Favourite manga: Initial D
Favourite movie: Face Off
Message: "Come on baby~"
Previous bands: Karasu, Ma’die Kusse, Kar+te=zyAnose
[[Random Facts]]
+favorite manga: Initial D
+wanted to be a football player as a kid
+likes Kit Kats and spaghetti, hates vegetables, mushrooms and kai
+hates Kai’s cooking but can’t cook himself
+collects DVDs and everything that has something to do with the Sex Pistols
+used to work in a bread shop and a sweet shop
+PJs: underwear
+favorite season: spring
+eyesight: 1.5
+shoesize: 26cm/10.23 inches
KAI (戒)
Updated: March 2006
Real name: 受毛豊*
Blood type: B
Birth date: 28 Oct 1981
Hobby: Soccer, Cooking, Collecting Zippos
Piercing count: 2 (left)
Foot size: 25 ~ 27
Ring size: 19 ~ 21
Height: 172 cm
Tobacco: none
Cologne: Jaguar, Sculpture, Bvlgari for men
Disliked food: Potato, Eggplant
Favourite drink: “Not ringo juice (laugh) - apple juice” (ringo=apple -.-;;)
Favourite brand: custom culture, Justin Davis custom culture, TENDERLOIN, Starring gear*
My boom: onyx
Place of birth: “New Jersey would be nice!”
Collection: Accessories, clothes from custom culture
Liked type: A motherly person who will welcome me with “welcome home!” when I return home.
Disliked type: A girl who hides her character
Wish to girls: Please show me your true selves
Strong point: "Can be bullied? No? "
Weak point: Forgetting things
Charming point: Can be interesting in anything
Favourite colour: Black, Red, White, Green, Silver, Gold, Grey
Favourite animal: Dog, Tiger, Alligator
Message: "Our hearts are always as one!"
Previous bands: Mareydi†Creia
[[Random Facts]]
+loves cooking and to play football
+collects zippos (lighters that work with gas)
+on his report card as a child, it was often written that he was “a good and energetic child”
+likes cabbage, mayonnaise and bananas, hates eggplant and taro-root
+got his driving licence on January 6th
+likes to drink apple juice (prefers it to alcohol)
+wanted to be a football player as a kid
+used to work in a restaurant and as a cleaner
+was put into a hospital once because of a high fever
+PJs: naked
+favorite season: winter (because he likes Christmas)
+shoesize: 26cm/10.23 inches
+eyesight: bad
Scuze că sunt Vechi dar nu am găsit informatii din 2013
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