Tora - Alice Nine facts
Real name - Amano Shinji
Birthday - September 17th, 1981
Horoscope sign - Virgo
Chinese Zodiac sign - Rooster
Blood type - O
Height - 182 cm (About 5 feet and 9 inches)
Weight - 70 kg (About 154 lbs)
Foot size - 27.5 cm (A 9.5 in USA sizes)
Favorite color - White & black
Favorite drink - Oolong tea
Favorite band - KoRn
Manga - Kyo Kare Ore Wa
His eyes are hazel
He has 3 tattoos
He smokes Marlboro menthol light cigarettes
He used to work at KFC
He's part american/german
He likes reading Manga, but that's it. XD
He thinks that Ashton Kutcher is the sexiest man living. (LOL)
He loves video games.
He hates bugs.
His favorite food is curry.
Loves metal music.
His favorite season is winter.
He has two cats, Chikin, and Neko-chan. (*-*)
The first instrument he learned to play was the bass.
He's the member that adds the english to their songs.
He's the pianist of the band. ^_^
He enjoys composing dark and violent songs.
He was good at sensing spirits as a kid.
He loves changing the color and style of his hair.
His parents were NOT happy when he decided to be in a band. Very strict.
He is shy. (-insert death from his cuteness-)
He labels himself as a "lonely wolf".
He likes drawing.
He doesn't get along well with girls.
Tora means Tiger
His goal is to become a very cool guitarist. (Achieved XD)
He says if the world were going to end soon, he'd live his life as normal. XD
If he weren't a musician, he'd want to be a stuntman.
When needing to relieve stress, he takes a bath :3
He's happiest while eating. LOL.
He says when he has a child he would give it the best name in the world - Tora. XD
He says it makes his heart flutter when a girl can speak good english.
His ideal date is disneyland. ADORABLE.
He likes a girl that can keep up with him. XD
...and he dislikes girls who can't keep up with him... XD
He says a girls clothes don't really matter, that anything looks fine. :3
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