The GazettE
Real name - Takashima Kouyou
Birthday - June 9th, 1981
Height - 177 CM. (5'9)
Foot size - 27.5 (9 1/2)
Blood type - O
Weight - 62 KG (about 136 pounds/lbs.)
Hometown - Kanagawa prefecture, Japan.
Favorite color - Purple, Silver.
Liked food - Bento, Pizza
Disliked Food - blue cheese.
Favorite animals - Dog, polar bear, penguin and DUCK. XD
Hobbies - billiards, soccer, bowling, driving.
Admires - Sugizo.
Musical influence - Luna Sea
He smokes marlboro menthol lights
Uruha does things at his own pace.
He says his charm point is his hands/fingers.
And that his nipples are his weak point. Lol.
Uruha collects rings and perfumes.
Uruha would like to visit Egypt and see the pyramids!
Uruha spends days off with friends or sleeping.
Uruha likes a woman who is mature, sympathetic and gives him a lot of attention.
Uruha dislikes immature women who misinterpret situations and can't read the atmosphere of a place.
He has a fetish of upper arms and wrinkles. Lol.
His favorite female fashion is "sexy"...lol!
His ideal date is Disney Land or shopping! (Aw me too!!! I would die to go to disney land with Uruha...)
He says the color of love is scarlet.
Uruha looks at ones heart and aura when judging.
Uruha says when he grows old he wants to be a cool grandpa who rides a motorcycle and is a bartender. LMAO.
Uruha says he is a gamer...
Uruha says if he were to give him a rating, he'd give himself a 0. (He's flawless like what...;-;)
Uruha says he's not good at dancing but he likes it and does it anyway.
He does karaoke to relieve stress.
Uruha stretches before a live.
Uruha wants to meet all GazettE fans.
Uruha loves Ayumi Hamasaki.
His sister told him he looked like Hideaki Takizawa and he was very happy about it! (Kind of, Uruha is much more gorgeous..)
When he was little he would often hide under his mom's skirt. XD
He sleeps in t-shirts and boxers.
Drinks sports drinks on stage.
He was once chased by a yakuza.... XD
Uruha gets homesick when he's on tours sometimes. (CUTE.)
Uruha wants to migrate to mars...
He loves drinking. Vodka in particular.
He says teasing Kai is very popular among the members. Poor Kai. XD
He loves sleep.
He hates being ignored. Especially when he's talking to someone.
He doesn't like showing his thighs ._.
He was made fun of in school because of his lips :/
He fights with Reita. Over food. Lol.
He says he always says "Eh? Seriously?" XD
He has a habit of looking at peoples faces and grinning evilly. He said it creeps others out a lot, and even creeps him out. LOL.
He said if he could be another member he'd be Kai to make lunch boxes for the members.
He says his favorite pick up line is "I like you!" lol.
He says his greatest rival and enemy is himself.
His nickname is "Shima".
He has two parents, two older sisters and two "lovely nephews".
He's a proud uncle. :)
Pretty good information, but every second sentence ends with "lol"or some random comment dobody needs.